Exhibitors & Prize List

Exhibits are one of the many highlights for visitors to Brigden Fair.  Many hours are poured into the hundreds of exhibits displayed at the fair.  Consult the information below for details on exhibiting.  

Click the headings to expand for more details.

  1. Look up the entry Division and class in the Prize List below. Make note of the entry fees and deadlines on the Division pages. Many deadlines are September 2024.
  3. The final cut-off time for all late entries, additions or substitutions will be Tuesday, October 8th – NO EXCEPTIONS – unless indicated otherwise as per an individual division or class.
  4. Read the official Rules & Regulations below
  5. Submit your entries to the office by the deadline with the required exhibitor fee (if applicable)

Brigden Fair Exhibitor Entry Form
For use for all exhibitor entries not submitted online. Separate livestock entries form needed.

Brigden Fair Livestock Exhibitor Form
Required entry form for livestock entries.

Brigden Fair 4-H Livestock Exhibitor Form
For use by 4-H members entering livestock to show. All non livestock 4-H entries can be entered on the regular exhibitor forms.

2024 Baby Show Registration Form 

Light Horse Show Entry Forms




  • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th: 12 p.m. until 8 p.m.
  • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th: 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
  • Doors will close promptly at 12:30 p.m.


  • MONDAY, OCTOBER 14th: Doors to the Exhibition Hall and Junior Building will close promptly at 4 p.m. to allow the committees to prepare for distribution of Exhibits.
  • Doors will re-open at 4:30 p.m. for exhibits to be picked-up.
  • Moore Agricultural Society will not be responsible for any items not picked up at that time.

Membership: (January 1 – March 31) $10.00 – Exhibitor privileges & Weekend Pass Membership: (April 1 – December 31) $20.00 – Exhibitor privileges & Weekend Pass Exhibitor Fee*** $ 5.00 – $15 after Sept. 25th ($5 plus $10 late fee) Exhibitor Fee: Junior Department*** $ 2.00 – $12 after Sept. 25th ($2 plus $10 late fee) Friday Gate Admission – till 5 pm $ 5.00 – One (1) admittance Friday Gate Admission – after 5 pm $20.00 – One (1) admittance Fair Gate Admission Sat. – Mon. $10.00 – One (1) admittance Weekend Pass $30.00 – Four (4) days admittance Fair Parking on grounds Free Elementary School Children and Younger Free all days


***Valid until September 25th. A late entry fee of $10 will be applied IN ADDITION to the $5 fee beginning September 26th or as stated in the Exhibitor Entry Rules for each department, division and/or class. Members are not exempt from the late fee. CAREFULLY CHECK YOUR DEPARTMENTS. IF AN ADDITIONAL ENTRY FEE IS REQUIRED, IT MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE EXHIBITOR FEE AND THE ENTRY FORM. EXHIBITOR ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE REQUIRED FEES AS IDENTIFIED THROUGHOUT THE BOOK.

Manufacturers and Agents will display their wares in designated areas.

ADVANCE ENTRIES ONLY – Entry form(s) listing your entries must be received at the Brigden Fair Office, 2976 Brigden Road, Brigden, N0N 1B0. Please see each department and/or class for details. Office hours are: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday (closed between 12 p.m.-1 p.m. daily). An after-hours mail slot is available outside the front office. ONLINE ENTRIES ALSO AVAILABLE.

All work of the HOMECRAFT DEPARTMENT, VEGETABLES, FRUITS & GRAINS must be placed before 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 10th. The Exhibition Hall and Junior Building will open for exhibits to be dropped off on Wednesday, October 9th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Thursday, October 10th from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. DOORS WILL CLOSE PROMPTLY AT 12:30 P.M. for judging to commence. Any article exhibited found not to be new work or not the work of the exhibitor will be disqualified and not judged.

ALL PRODUCE of the farm must be grown by the exhibitor.

All exhibits, except livestock and clover seed, must be grown or manufactured since the last M.A.S. Annual Fair unless stipulated. Livestock exhibits are required to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. Brood mares with foal at foot and three-year-old colts on line or in harness may compete for Society and Special prizes. Judging of livestock will commence at times listed in Prize Book.

EXHIBITION ANIMALS must be the property of the exhibitor. Satisfactory proof must be shown if requested. “PROOF OF INSURANCE” INDICATING COMPANY, POLICY NUMBER AND EXPIRY DATE for all Livestock Exhibitors must be submitted with entry fee and form, if not, they will not be allowed to show. Certificates of registration or pedigrees of cattle and sheep must be produced upon request and checked before the animal enters the judging ring. Exhibitors making entries as Partners must show proof that the partnership has existed for at least the past three months.

No exhibitor will receive more than one prize in any one class (all classes including livestock) unless otherwise stated. One prize only for herds. Any exhibit that does not comply with the requirements printed for any class may be disqualified by either the committee or the judge.

Judges have full power to classify all exhibits. The judges are instructed to reduce the amount of the premium or withhold the prize if they consider the best exhibit of a class to be of an inferior quality. All exhibits in the Homecraft Department must be the work of the exhibitor. The judges are instructed to discard all soiled, defaced or old work in the Homecraft Department and award prizes only to new up-to-date work. Any article exhibited found not to be new work or work of exhibitor will be disqualified and not judged. No exhibitor will receive more than one prize in any one class in Divisions 11 thru 97, unless otherwise stated.

The decision of the judge will be final. Appeals will not be considered. Exhibitors interfering with the judge will forfeit their winnings. The Board of Directors reserve the right to make final decisions on all problems that may arise. Please read all rules and regulations at the top of each department.


If the receipts are insufficient to pay the prize list in full, the prizes will be paid pro-rata, as the funds permit. Prizes will be paid as soon as possible after the Fair. ALL PRIZES AND/OR GIFT CERTIFICATES MAY BE SUBSTITUTED BY M.A.S. FOR OTHER PRIZES OF EQUAL VALUE, BASED ON AVAILABILITY.

The Management and Board will use diligence to ensure the safety of livestock and articles entered for exhibition or display after their arrival on the grounds but under no circumstances will it be responsible for loss, injury or damage by fire, lightning, wind or by any other agency, to such livestock, articles on exhibition or display, and the Fair and management thereof shall be indemnified by the exhibitors against all legal or other proceedings relating thereto.

While the Directors of the Society agree to take every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of animalsand articles sent to the exhibition, it must be understood that the owners are to assume all risks. Should any animal or exhibit be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Directors will render all reasonable assistance in their power for the recovery of same, but they will not recognize any claim for payment of the value of any portion thereof, and further, the Society will not be responsible for anyone being injured in any way on the grounds.

The Directors of the Society have the power, by their Act of Incorporation, to enforce these rules and to prohibit and prevent all kinds of gambling; to regulate or prevent without permission, the huckstering or trafficking in fruits, goods, wares or merchandise; also the right to alter, interpret, amend, add to or cancel any of these rules, or to grant relaxation from them in individual cases. The Directors of the Society have the power to remove any vendor for selling or displaying inappropriate or offensive merchandise. No one shall interfere with, hinder or obstruct any officer or servant of the Society, or any policeman or constable in discharge of his duty, or gain admission to the grounds in a fraudulent manner.

As an exhibitor, you represent your livestock’s particular commodity group, and the agriculture industry as a whole. It is very important that you portray the positive face of agriculture to the public and to fellow exhibitors. Therefore, the following “Exhibitor Code of Practice” has been developed to aid in your approach.

It is expected that the Exhibitor Code of Practice will be strictly followed. If exhibitors do not adhere to the code they will be asked to leave the Fairgrounds and further actions will be left to the discretion of the Board.

  • All animals must be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are for use in displays or livestock competitions. Any mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated.
  • The animals for exhibition should be prepared with proper training, fitting, and grooming.
  • The highest standards of nutrition, health and sanitation will be expected, and consistent with on-farm schedule. Soiled bedding should be removed and fresh feed and water should be provided on a regular basis.
  • Untrained individuals shall not be allowed to handle livestock.
  • Provide clean, safe transport for the animals to and from the fair. Use care when loading and unloading to minimize stress.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages or cannabis products in a public place is unacceptable.


Any information collected by the Moore Agricultural Society regarding members, exhibitors, commercial exhibitors, sponsors, directors and any other persons related directly to the business of the Moore Agricultural Society and the Brigden Fair will be solely used for the purpose of promotion of the Moore Agricultural Society and the Brigden Fair, and for the maintenance of their files and data base. Any member, exhibitor, commercial exhibitor, sponsor or director realizes that when they agree to take part in the Moore Agricultural Society and the Brigden Fair, that their names may be published for these reasons only. None of this information whatsoever will be sold or transferred to any outside party for any reason.